
Barcelona new coach Xavi's new rules for the players

Just a few days into the job, Barcelona new coach Xavi has presented an idea for a new idea with 10 rules for the club's players and staff.

Niladri Biswas
New Update
Xavi with Team - Barcelona new coach - Sportz Point

Xavi Hernandez was appointed last week, and his official presentation took place on Friday in front of the media. Just a few days into the job, Barcelona new coach Xavi has presented an idea for a new system at the club, beginning with 10 rules for the club's players and staff.

The Barcelona new coach introduced the new rules just a few days into his takeover, in an attempt to turn around Barca's poor form this season.

Xavi with Team - Barcelona new coach - Sportz Point

Xavi with Team. Photo- Marca

Barcelona new coach Xavi's 10 new squad rules are as follows:

1. Players must arrive 90 minutes before the training start

Players now cannot enter the training 20 minutes before or even later. Barcelona's training sessions are always scheduled for 11 a.m. and all players will now be required to arrive 90 minutes before that. The team's matchday delegate, Carles Naval, will monitor the squad's time punctuality.

2. Staff must arrive two hours before training starts

Xavi has asked all support staff to report two hours before the start of the practice session.

3. Players must eat at the club's training ground

All players must now have lunch in the training-ground canteen, under the supervision of the club's nutritionists. Xavi is keen to keep an eye on what kind of food and drink the players are consuming, to ensure his team's healthy diet.

4. Fines have returned

Xavi introduces a fine system for players who do not follow the rules properly.

5. Fines will get double for repeat offenses/offenders

As per reports, if a player arrives late for the training session, they will give a fine of €100 as a minimum. If the player commits the offense again, he will have to pay €200, followed by €400, and so on.

6. Players must be home before midnight two days before a game

Two days before any game, the players cannot stay out late beyond midnight.

7. Players must give their all in training

Players will start the match based on their performances on the training ground. The players who perform their best and show commitment on the training ground will be in favor to start on matchday. The next best will be a consideration for the bench and those beyond will have to watch from the stands.

8. Player's off-field activity will stay under observation

As per reports, off-field habits will be under observation, with plane journeys outside the player's club commitments done only with the coach's prior permission.

9. 'Risky' activities are no longer a part of routine

Activities that can put a risk to player safety are banned. Such activities will result in a serious offense and will be termed as a breach of contract.

10. A good image is essential

The players have been said to conduct themselves professionally and be role models.

Xavi Hernandez Fc Barcelona