
Mastering Your Putter Grip

Accurate putting is one of the most essential skills to master. Whether you're a beginner or looking to fine-tune your skills, a proper putter grip is vital for sinking those crucial putts. 

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Mastering Your Putter Grip | Sportz Point

Holding a putter might seem simple, but how you grip it can significantly influence your golf game. Accurate putting is one of the most essential skills to master. Whether you're a beginner or looking to fine-tune your skills, a proper putter grip is vital for sinking those crucial putts. 

Let's look at the different ways to grip a putter so you can putt like a pro.

Mastering Your Putter Grip | Sportz Point

Image By: Gold Digest

The Overlap Grip

The overlap grip helps with stability and control, especially for those who twist their wrists during a stroke. To use this grip, place your left hand (for right-handed golfers) on the putter handle, then position your right hand so that your pinky finger overlaps with your left index finger.

This grip increases control by helping you keep the putter face square to the target. It might take some practice to get used to, but many golfers find it effective for consistent putting. 


The Reverse Overlap Grip

The reverse overlap grip is popular among golfers who want to minimize excess movement during putting. This grip is like the overlap grip, except instead of the right pinky finger being placed on the left index finger, the pinky finger is placed directly on the putter grip and is overlapped by the left index finger. 

It may feel strange initially, but you can enhance your putting accuracy with practice. To help you feel comfortable, consider getting the proper equipment. New or used putters will help you discover a more comfortable grip.

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The Claw Grip

The claw grip might be worth trying for those seeking an alternative to traditional grips. The claw grip is a unique golf-putting technique. It involves using your left hand (for right-handed golfers) to hold the putter handle while the fingers of your right-hand rest on top in a claw-like manner.

This grip can increase stability and control during putting strokes, especially on short putts. The claw grip minimizes wrist movement, promoting smoother motion and accuracy. Experiment with this technique to see if it suits your putting style.

The Cross-Handed Grip

Cross-handed grip is a golf-putting technique that involves switching your hands. For right-handed golfers, your left-hand holds the putter handle, and your right hand is placed below it. This grip minimizes unwanted wrist movement during the golf stroke, promoting better control and accuracy. Golfers struggling with consistent putting often find cross-handed grips helpful. 

The Arm Lock Grip

The arm lock grip is a modern golf putting technique. To use this grip, grip the putter handle with your left hand (for right-handed golfers) and then rest your right forearm against your left forearm. This stabilizes the putter and reduces wrist movement, making stroke control easier.

The arm lock grip can improve consistency, especially on longer putts. While it might feel different initially, practising with an arm lock grip can lead to more accurate and controlled putting. Experiment with this technique to find out if it suits your putting style and helps you make more successful putts.

Balancing Grip Pressure

Properly balanced grip pressure during putting is crucial for precise control and consistent results on the greens. Too tight, you risk tension and inconsistency; too loose, and you lack control. Start by holding the putter lightly, allowing your fingers to wrap around the grip without tension.

Maintain a relaxed grip throughout the stroke, ensuring your palms are not squeezed tightly. Practicing with varying grip pressures will help you find the right balance that provides control and a natural, fluid stroke. This will enable more accurate and successful putts.

Putter Length and Grip Size

Putter length and grip size can impact your grip style. You might struggle to maintain a comfortable grip if your putter is too long or short. Similarly, a grip that's too narrow for your hands can affect your control and feel. Try out different putter lengths and grip sizes to find the combination that suits you best.

Finding Your Comfort Zone

Golf is a personal sport, and your putter grip should feel natural. Experiment with different grips on the practice green to determine which one gives you the best results. Remember, comfort and confidence in your grip can improve accuracy and distance control.

Practice Makes Perfect

Like any golf skill, mastering the putter grip requires practice. Spend time on the putting green, focusing on different grips and techniques. Pay attention to how each grip affects your stroke and overall performance. Consistent practice will help you develop muscle memory and build confidence in your chosen grip.

Holding a putter is a foundational element of golf success. The correct grip can improve your accuracy, consistency, and confidence on the greens. Remember, every golfer is unique, so discover the grip that helps you make those unforgettable putts and lowers your scores. 
